
We meet every Sunday at 9 am and 10:45 am and 6pm at 200 Colombo St, Sydenham.

We would love to give you a warm welcome.

I'm New Directions

Our Mission

We are an Anglican evangelical Church made up of Christians of all ages and from all walks of life. Our desire is to hear Jesus speak, see Jesus work, and share Jesus’ love.

Find out more Our Team

Introducing God

Introducing God

Our Introducing God course is a chance for you to explore who God is and how you can know him. Find out more.

Evening Church

Trinity now does evening church! Each Sunday we will meet from 6pm for an informal evening service followed by a light meal.

Last week's Sermon

Each week we look at a passage of the Bible to think about what God is saying and how it applies to us today. Our current series is Jesus, God's King, looking at Mark's Gospel. Listen to our latest sermon on Spotify, or check out our full Sermon Archive.

Upcoming Visitor Events

Mar 30

Church Lunch

From 12:30pm on the 30th of March we will be sharing lunch togther as a church.

Apr 06

Welcome Tea

Our next welcome tea, for those who are considering making Trinity their church home, or for those who would already call Trinity home, but haven’t yet been to a lunch, will be held on 6 April before the evening service.

Apr 18

Good Friday

Join us on Good Friday for The Darkest Hour, a look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Reflect and rejoice afterwards over morning tea and hot cross buns.

Apr 20

Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday our services take place at the usual times. We’ll celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with the Lord’s supper. Stay after the service for tea and light refreshments (or, after the evening service a simple meal).

May 04

Welcome Lunch

Our next regular welcome lunch, for those who are considering making Trinity their church home, or for those who would already call Trinity home, but haven’t yet been to a lunch, will be held on Sunday the 5th May at 12:30pm in the vicarage.