Our People
At Trinity, our hope is that every member has both the desire and opportunity to serve. We believe that Jesus has given every Christian gifts to serve--to minister to--their fellow Christians and to the community around them. And we see each other taking joy in welcoming newcomers; making and bringing food; serving tea and coffee; visiting each other; making meals for the sick; filling in forms; photocopying things.
Some are called to more specific, and visible, roles. Here are some the people you're likely to meet if you come on a Sunday.
Our Leadership

Senior Minister
James Ballinger
James is married to Charley, and they have three sons: Wren, Louis, and Rupert; and a daughter, Ena. They returned to NZ at the start of 2024, having spent several years in Japan running a course equipping young Japanese people to teach the Bible and consider full-time word ministry.
James first went to church as an adult and is passionate about helping people investigate the claims of Jesus. He loves coffee, walking, and eating good food.

Assistant Minister
David Thompson
David is married to Maria, and they have two sons: Ezra and Micah. Originally from the UK, New Zealand is now home, although no distance can reduce his love of Newcastle United.
Our Team

Church Administrator
Mackenzie Shewan
Mackenzie is currently studying maths and computer science at Canterbury University alongside her work at Trinity. She loves enabling God’s people to meet and praise Him, especially when it gives her an excuse to use her label maker.

Music Director
Grace Phillips
Grace is a keen pianist and enjoys playing music with her husband, Luke. Grace loves seeing people respond to God’s word through song. She also works as a support worker for Hohepa.

Children's Ministry Director
Kyla Horne
Kyla loves to see children come to know God and grow in their knowledge and love of Him each week as they discover more about Him at Sunday School each week. When she isn’t teaching Sunday School Kyla works as a neuroscientist and loves spending time in her garden or cooking with her husband, Paul.

Tim Wilson
Tim works in IT, and loves biking, coffee, and Jesus (though not in that order!)

John McKie
John is an orthopedic surgeon, and he loves biking with his wife Jill, and taking their dog, Tessie, for walks.
Trinity is governed by a Parish Council, comprised of the Senior Minister and ordained assistant clergy, Churchwardens, and elected members and the Treasurer. The Wardens, along with the Senior Minister, are the legal officers of the church.
Our Parish Council for 2024 is:
- Clergy: James Ballinger and David Thompson
- Churchwardens: John McKie & Tim Wilson
- Elected Members: Kyla Horne (Synod Rep), Joy Penno (Synod Rep), Martin Winder, Rob Vosslamber, and Sam Butcher, Nick Cook
- Treasurer: David Wong