Sunday School classes are run during our service. We have a range of classes for kids from age 0 up to school year 8. All the children start with you in the service, before heading out to their classes about 10-15 minutes in.
Our excellent Sunday School teachers will look after them for the rest of the service, teaching them a great programme of Bible studies with activities and games.
Once the service has finished, your children will return to you, most likely with some of their own handiwork in their hands, reminding them of the great lesson they will have learned.
As a part of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand, we adhere to the Safe Ministry Blueprint to ensure the highest standards of ministry amongst vulnerable people.
Youth at Trinity love spending time together to learn about Jesus and have great fun.
We have a great youth group for those in school years 7-13. They meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:15-9:00pm at 200 Colombo St in Sydenham.
Any are welcome to come along and enjoy a great time hanging out, playing games and learning from the Bible to love God, to love each other, and to love the world around us.
Fellowship Groups
During term time we meet across the city at different times in Fellowship Groups. In these mid-week small groups we read and consider the Bible, share our lives, and encourage and support each other as we follow Jesus. We have a range of groups available, and encourage everyone in the church to get involved.
Young Adults
Young Adults is a thriving fellowship group for younger folk seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible. Through Young Adults, the church seeks to raise up a new generation of bible believing Christians. We meet once a week on Thursdays at church on 200 Colombo Street. Hot drinks will be available from 7:15pm, with the Bible study beginning at 7:30pm.
Additionally, we host an annual event of ‘YAWA’ (Young Adults’ Weekend Away), which usually consists of travelling to nearby locations like Hamner Springs and Castle Hill. This retreat includes guest speakers, various fun activities, and unforgettable memories!
There’s a vibrant community of seniors at Trinity, including a weekly fellowship group on Thursday mornings when we gather for morning tea, a great chat and Bible study.