Introducing God

Come and meet the God who loves you.


To have a relationship with someone, you need to get to know them first.

We periodically run a course called Introducing God. This is a chance for you to explore who God is and how you can know him. It’s a relaxed and friendly environment where no question is off limits, you can wrestle with big questions, or sit back and listen to ideas from other people.

We meet on Tuesday nights in the church lounge. We share a delicious dinner and have some time to get to know each other before watching a short video and discussing the ideas it raises.

The evenings is run by our Minister, James, who facilitates the discussion and ensures everyone has an opportunity (but not an obligation) to contribute.

Introducing God runs for 8 weeks but there’s no need to commit to the whole thing, just come along for the first week and see how it goes!

Contact Us to find out about the next course.